you give me fever babyPICTURES ! :Dim lazy to type (as usual), so here goes.
attica 3 (or mark's place)

random school shots.

mahjong & yow !
2nd day of visiting cum my birthday :Danyway, the first picture in mark's place is supposed to be randall with the afro hair
but its too dark to see. HAHA
& there's more !
such as pictures from watching Norbit & Seducing Mr Perfect (:
aahhhh, the hot guy.
but blogger's picture thing is not working ):
omg, results on friday.
panic, panic, panic.
anyway, had CJC cross-country today
i cant believe i didnt walk throughout the entire 4plus km !
whoaa, meiryl's damn good man. haha
the milo truck was my motivation. hehh.
i think i had like 8 cups la. HAHA.
went for dinner after that at prata house with 1t09.
ate, laughed, bonded more ;D
then most of them left & laura, jason, colin, rayner & i wanted to have icecream at icekimo
but it was closed, so we went to some cake/brownie shop instead
talked till 1030 ! left, & it's home sweet home now.
last 2 days in CJ before results are out !
hopefully we'll have full attendance. haha
& class outing on sunday was good ;D
i like.